Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Why? That is a great question.
My answer: 'Why not?'

I have never been much of a writer. Growing up I always tried to keep a journal, because that's what my friends did, but I would write in it for two or three days straight, then forget about it, and try again a couple months to a year later. And every time I would tell myself 'This time you are going to keep up with it!' And here I am years later and still haven't kept it up.

But having purpose and something to say was always my problem. I didn't want to write about my day, or what someone said, because I was living it and didn't feel the need to write it down (and it wasn't always that exciting). But there were a few exciting times in my life where I felt compelled to write everything down so that one day I could remember it all. And I did. Those were the times I was travelling and never wanted to forget the things I saw, felt and thought.

So, here I am, feeling compelled to write things down for two reasons:

1. Working with High School girls for about three years now has made me realize more and more how much brokenness there is in this world. This has pushed me towards God to find hope. Writing about how beautiful EVERY girls is because of her heavenly creator is very important to me. Showing our need for a savior and a real Father because I have been there, looked at myself that way, and still do sometimes. This robs us of the truth and the joy that God wants for us.

2. Being sick a lot in the last 6 months has made me take a double look at how I eat, sleep and exercise. My immune system sucks! And I dislike it. I don't get sick for a few days and get to watch TV all day at home like when I was in High School. I loved getting sick back then. But now, it's different. I don't want to stop and do nothing for a few days, plus I don't have time to. So I keep going and ignore it, which usually makes it worse. Lame.

This is where I am going to start. For the second time this year, I have started a raw food + meat + coffee eating style. The last time was for fun, to kick off the new year. But it came with so many positive effects: building my immune system, feeling healthy, focusing on nutrition and being healthy, and not being sick.

For the month of May I am going to go all out with eating raw + meat + coffee. I am eating meat because protein is good for you- duh! And once I stop eating meat it's hard to stop again so I just won't stop. I am drink coffee because it is goooood and I don't want to stop. Raw does not mean, salads and fruit only. I want to share with you some of the fun things I get to put together to make eating exciting and really healthy and along the way, other things I am learning and want to share because I am now a blogger :). 

I hope you enjoy!

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