Thursday, August 1, 2013

The art of encouragement

I don't know about you but I enjoy receiving compliments, but sometimes they make me feel uncomfortable depending on what they are about. I feel encouraged when someone notices something I've accomplished and been working on it, but not so much when it's about my looks. I feel encouraged when someone encourages me about a passion of mine, but uncomfortable when its about a way that my life is portrayed in social media. Knowing that someone has seen past my exterior and seen something that noy everyone know makes me feel truly beautiful.
I have experienced the blessing of being encouraged, uplifted and strengthened through the kind words of someone else. This is something I would call an art form. It's not always easy,  done well or as deep as it could be. It must be practiced, but the results are worth it.
Being an encourager comes from a place of joy and contentment with ourselves first. Knowing that you are worthy of encouragement and believing that you can encourage others and that it will be received and make a differnce is where is starts. Accept this truth and then live it out.
To be an encourager you must be able to see the good in others- their true beauty, potential, and passions. You must search for who they are which is deeper than what they do and what they look like. You must be able to not only see it but tell them what you recogize in them. This takes time and a relationship with that person. A positive attitude towards life and others is what brings us to desire to be an encourager. Knowing that you are making a difference in others lives and self confidence is a beautiful motivation for this.
Realize the importance of your words and how powerful they can be. Make them count for more than just words. Use them for love. 
I have a tattoo on the inside of my lip that reads 'Ahava' this means the act of giving love in Hebrew. It is placed there as a symbol for me to use my words for love as they flow from my mouth to others. 

Look for the true beauty in others this week and practice encouraging them.

Here are a few of the people in my life who know how to encourage me.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you chose to talk about the relationship between encouragement and beauty this week. Encouragement is a wonderful thing and a key piece in the true beauty puzzle—not only does it make the receiver feel beautiful and affirmed, but it also makes the giver feel beautiful for giving out a kind word. It's a win all around!

    Thanks for the reminder to step out on a limb and be encouraging to others—kind words really do go a long way!
